Should you cut your 1/4 panels/rear fenders?

It is in the old rule books!

Ok so the rule that tells us to cut isn’t easy to decipher. However it is there in black and white since 1960! We will start with the rules in 1958-59 for the dual purpose Gas Classes…there were only 8 rules! Yes the car in competition had to have 4 fenders, but nothing was mentioned about them.

In 1960 we see for the first time the rule that says you shouldn’t narrow a rear end in the Gas Coupe/sedan classes. The rule is under the “Wheels and Tires” section. It is the last sentence; “Stock tread width for the type of car used must be maintained”. Interestingly enough this year is also the first year that there is more to the fenders than just requiring 4 of them. Ironically excessive cutting or trimming for the clearance of wide slicks is not allowed in 1960!

1961 the rule for treat width is seen in the Wheelbase section. It requires each car in the street section to have a stock wheelbase and tread width. In the fender section, fenders may now be altered for clearance for wide racing slicks.These rules stay in effect through 1966.

In 1967 the fender rule is modified to include all fenders that were modified should have the cut edges re-rolled. As I have stated in the past, to me the term Gasser and the Gasser Class racing died in 1967. That will be for another discussion for a different day. I will go on because our AA/GS Heads up division is geared towards 1968-69.

1968 there are no changes to these 2 rules. Gone is the dual purpose street division.

1969 is the first time we see Street Eliminator for cars that self-start and are capable of street use. The fender rule and the tread width rule are unchanged.

So the answer to the question to cut or not to cut is simple, what era are you building your gasser to look like? Early with skinny tires, don’t cut! Most will have wider tires and you should cut!

Classic Pictures!

In the tradition of what Byron started, we have this page on the website to continue on. Bob R. just sent us a great picture of the Hill & Zartman Filthy 40 after it was sold! WE are always looking for more vintage pictures, if you have any please get them to us with as much info as you can so we can get them on here for all to see! Remember, picture is worth a thousand words and helps keep the memory of Gassers alive!

Period Correct

What does the term “Period Correct” mean to you?

If you google the term Period Correct a definition does not pop right up.  There are a couple discussions on forums, a clothing company etc. but that is about it.

My definition would be this:  An object that is from a distinct time period that is in whole a combination of components that came from and are representative of that time.

 For our purposes we will use the automobile as an example, most specifically the coupe and sedan racers from the “Gasser” period.   We can agree that the Gasser period started in the 50’s and continued on through 1967.  Yes there were Gas Classes after 1967 however most believe that when NHRA allowed Ohio George to run a unibody Mustang with a Willys frame, the term Gasser died.   Now in any form of racing, especially in the early years, time moves quickly and changes were a plenty.  In the 50’s Gassers cars were more street cars than race cars.  As competitors kept trying to beat each other, they discovered what combinations worked best and how to tune them.  As the cars got faster the track surface and tire compound became an issue.  It was discovered that setting the engine back and raising the front of the vehicle to get as much weight to the rear of the car as possible could combat the lack of traction.  These are the iconic Gassers that most of us fell in love with. Each season the street part of the street division would fade a little more. The advent of the wrinkle wall slick changed the game in 1966 and very quickly racers discovered that aerodynamics played a more important role. The iconic nose high stance started to disappear quickly.

So for me, one needs to pick a period, before they can claim period correct.  That period needs to be specific as each season saw many changes.  Once the period is decided upon, many facets of the build should be adhered to for a period correct build/organization/event.  It should look like, act like, and be complete with everything from that time.  Any deviation from this would change the build/organization/event from “Period Correct” to Nostalgia.  We will get to Nostalgia in another article.

The most period correct racing that I have witnessed would be reliability runs back in the 70’s with my dad’s model a Ford club.  They were very strict on the restoration of their vehicles.  I thought that The Race of Gentlemen was very Period Correct when I went to Pismo Beach.  I have since learned that they too allow modern style transmissions square tube frames and such now.  The Factory Appearing Stock Tire muscle car racing is pretty close.  After that, there are no events, groups out there that are period correct.  Some of the more noteworthy examples of not being Period Correct:  Sorry ladies, back up girls are awesome and add to the overall production of the show, however, backing up a funny car would be correct, but not a gasser.  Disguising new parts/technology by painting or keeping from plain sight is not period correct.  Running Heads Up and leveling the playing field to keep the racing close is not period correct.  Bolting on pie crust slicks on a 1966 and older car does not make it period correct.  Running alcohol is not period correct.  Handicap and index racing is not period correct.  Adding weight, reducing blower drive ratio to protect a series from having a dominating combination is not period correct.  Overall appearance is not enough to call it Period Correct. Those are my initial thoughts.  I hope to keep this civil and folks give some thought to this and by all means post your opinions.  I will not tolerate any Group Name, event name or car name in the comments.  This is about the term Period Correct only and not about who does what.  Thanks for taking the time to read this and participate!